Glenda Nascimento

Assistant Landscape Architect
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Glenda is an Architect and Urban Planner who joined Cunnane Stratton Reynolds in 2023.

Glenda is passionate about the possibilities that urban design and planning represent for the development of more sustainable cities, while also influencing

the enhancement of the urban environments in which people live and work.

Since joining Cunnane Stratton Reynolds, Glenda has worked on a variety of projects, ranging from the graphical representation of masterplan proposals and programs, to assisting in the preparation of Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment reports, and employing the geospatial and digital GIS technology for constraints mapping and the production of high-quality and accurate deliverables to support reports.

Area of Expertise

•           Urban Design/Planning

•           Master planning

•           Sketch Design

•           GIS Production

•           Architectural Design

•           Sustainable Urban Solutions


MSc Sustainable Development, Technological University Dublin, Ireland

Bachelor's Degree Architecture and Urban Planning, Universidade Salvador, Brazil